
Over the years Meagan has observed brokenness in her own life as well as in the lives of those she loves to support. Her four and a half years in Cambodia brought her many opportunities to pray, support and encourage people to find truth and hope in Christ alone, knowing that He is a saviour familiar with suffering but abundance in grace and love. She has a passion to find beauty in life’s struggles and the mighty hand of God healing and restoring the ones He loves.

God is in the habit of transforming broken lives into beautiful vessels for His glory. He does not desire us to walk through life upon broken feet, that cripple and hinder our life with Him. It can be said that God speaks clearest when we recognise our complete dependence on Him and we surrender our shattered pieces for Him to restore. By sharing that true message of hope, joy and restoration, brokenness becomes transformed into a precious testimony for His glory.

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